Equipment and instruments

Chemical and biological hoods with UV sterilization system
Equipped Bunsen stations
Technical and analytical balances
pH meter
Optical microscope
Epifluorescence microscope
Axio Vision software for microscopy image acquisition
Microcentrifuges and refrigerated microcentrifuges
Benchtop centrifuge
Benchtop autoclaves and autoclaves
Systems for obtaining ultrapure and deionized water
Water reverse osmosis system with UV
Filtration systems (Millipore)
Vacuum systems
Cabinets for chemical reagents and flammable products

UV / Vis spectrophotometer
VICTOR X5 Multilabel plate reader (Perkin-Elmer)
-80 ° and -20 ° C freezers and chillers
Thermostated cells and static and agitating incubators
Thermostated stoves and baths
Heating plates
ULTRA TURRAX® homogenization systems
Mini-beads tubes for mechanical destruction
Stirring plates
Thermal cyclers for PCR and RealTime-PCR
Agarose and polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis systems (mono and bidimensional)
System for Western, Northen and Southern Blotting



